Second Set of Responses and Feedback THINK LEARN & DO

Delighted to receive responses to Doer1 ( from Students of Al Qamar Academy Chennai! Scroll down for the resposnes and our feedback: Second set of Responses and the...

THINK, LEARN & DO Fun creative ideas

Are you sitting at home, wondering how to spend your (or your children’s) time interestingly? If you are, please click on the link below for some fun! Concept note...

Doer 2

Welcome to THINK, LEARN & DO! Click on the link below for a story that needs your mind and hands to complete: Houses that are safe during...

Thinker 2

Welcome to THINK, LEARN & DO! Scroll down to read a story that needs your thinking mind to complete it: Catch the rainbow and bring it...

Thinker 1

Welcome to THINK, LEARN & DO! Scroll down to read a story that needs your thinking mind to complete it: The Red...

Doer 1

Welcome to THINK, LEARN & DO! Click on the link below for a story that needs your mind and hands to complete: Gobi...

Player 2

Welcome to THINK, LEARN and DO! Click on the link beow for one start to a fun idea … Bring Back my...


Welcome to THINK, LEARN and DO! Click on the link beow for a start to one fun idea … Colouring...