What we do
The Reflective Practitioner

Our Vision
“Before doing Action Research, I would focus primarily on covering the syllabus. After doing Action Research, I realize that it is far more important to see if each student has understood, rather than to just focus on covering the syllabus.”
~Teacher with 17-years’ experience.
“Formerly, I was just a teacher. Now, I have also become a learner.”
~Teacher with five years’ experience.
“Children have started making connections between similar-sounding words or similar sounds in different words. They show increased levels of self-confidence. Children also started sharing if they didn’t enjoy the class and began giving suggestions as to what they would like to do.”
~Teacher with three years’ experience.
(Videos reproduced with permission from Azim Premji Foundation. Featuring teachers of Azim Premji School, Dineshpur, Uttarakhand.)