Courses Offered
Reflective Writing for teachers
There are two versions of this course:
Online and Face to Face
Given the packed day of most teachers, they can swiftly get into a routine that precludes pausing and reflecting on the valuable insights that staffroom exchanges, staff meetings and classroom transactions can offer. With the numerous repetitive tasks that demand a teacher’s attention (correcting notebooks, preparing lessons, arranging school events, attending meetings, completing the syllabus, etc.), it often happens that a teacher gets into an efficient – and worse, mechanical – routine without even realising this. This can result in the teacher missing opportunities to reflect and gain valuable learnings, as the overpowering momentum of the school’s demands swamp her attention and energy. It has been found [Raghavan (2015), Gorlewski and Green (2011)] that the simple act of stepping back and noting down the day’s/week’s events brings to the surface many powerful learnings that enable a teacher to meet day-to-day challenges with a fresh mind. This course will expose participants to the fruits of reflective writing.
Revolving Mirrors
Duration of contact hours: 18 (plus 6 at-home hours)
Revolving Mirrors is a course that nurtures the reflective practitioner in the in-service teacher.