Duration: 10 online hours plus 14 at-home hours
March 2020. It was a strange time.
A tiny virus was holding the entire world ransom.
Those who had homes that they could stay confined in, did exactly that. “Lockdown” became an everyday word.
Suddenly, each one had to find the resources to stay safe, healthy and fruitfully engaged within the four walls of the house. For six weeks!
To keep people busy and housebound, numerous opportunities opened up. While several websites made it possible to freely download an abundance of books, others offered virtual tours of world-renowned museums. Still others streamed plays and movies.
And many offered courses for free.
It was at such a time that THINKING TEACHER decided to offer a free course on REFLECTIVE WRITING FOR TEACHERS.
The rationale was that teachers, being the busy people that they are, seldom get this kind of at-home time to reflect and write down their thought processes. No sooner was the announcement made on social media than ten teachers (the maximum capacity for the online course) from different parts of India signed up for it.
And so it came to pass, that for the next two weeks, a class of ten teachers met with their instructor online every alternate day. Click here to read the outcome of this initiative.
Teachers’ Reflective Writings
Each batch of teachers (usually ten in a batch) wrote down their reflections through the Course. At the end of each run of the course, an end-of-course compilation was made.
Here are the compilations:
- Twelfth Batch
- Diwali 2022 Batch
- July-September 2022 Batch
- September-October 2021 Batch
- June-July 2021 Batch
- April-May 2021 Batch
- February-March 2021 Batch
- Winter 2020 Batch
- August-September 2020 Batch
- Monsoon 2020 Batch
- Summer 2020 Batch
- March-April 2020 Batch