Welcome to Week 2 of THINK, LEARN & DO!
First, we wish to thank you for all your lovely responses!
We hope you liked our responses!

Now, here are this week’s teasers:

PLAYER 1 & 2: We wanted you to complete the stories that were given to you! If you haven’t done so already, please do that and send it in to thinkingteacher22@gmail.com

THINKER 3: Scroll down to read a story titled THE MAGIC BALLOON.

Now can you tell us what made this balloon so magical? WHY was it doing all the different things that Bharat saw it do? Your task is to help Bharat understand the magic of this balloon. Can you complete the story by doing that?

DOER 3: Scroll down to read the story TEARS WITHOUT SADNESS.
Tears without sadness

The story needs to be finished by you: by thinking/doing things that will help you figure out the answers to the questions that Manoj asks in the story.